TI-84 Plus CE Hex Codes
This page contains a list of useful hex codes to be used with ExecHex. To use them, follow the ExecHex documentation with the preferred hex string. Some of these may perform similar utilities to pre-existing Celtic functions. A good number of these were taken/adapted from the TI-BASIC Developer 84 Plus CE Hexcodes page.
- Invert LCD (High contrast mode/Dark mode)
Inverts the colors of the LCD. Also sometimes referred to as “High contrast mode” or “Dark mode”:
Credit: MateoConLechuga
- Uninvert LCD
Does the opposite of the previous command and sets the LCD colors back to normal:
- Toggle Program mode
When used in a program, it allows you to use
on other programs:"FD7E08EE02FD7708C9"
Make sure to switch back to “program mode” when you’re done by running the program again.
- Text Inverse
This will switch from normal text mode to inverse (white text on black background) and vice versa:
- Enable Lowercase
Enables lowercase letters in TI-OS:
- Disable Lowercase
Disables lowercase letters in TI-OS (default):
- Toggle Lowercase
Toggles lowercase letters on/off in TI-OS:
- Clear LCD
Clears the LCD:
- Run Indicator Off
Turns off the run indicator:
- Run Indicator On
Turns on the run indicator:
- Toggle Run Indicator
Toggles the run indicator on/off:
- Disable APD
Disables Automatic Power Down (APD):
- Enable APD
Enables Automatic Power Down:
- Turn Off Cursor
This is harmless, but it stops displaying that blinking cursor :D Just press [2nd][MODE] to put it back to normal. What, jokes are allowed, right?
– TI-BASIC Developer
- Turn On Cursor
Turns on the cursor:
- Draw TI Logo
This is a strange function that draws the TI Logo. (Yes, there is a built in ASM call to do that) While there is no real reason you would probably want to do this, it’s still interesting: